- HP: 80
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Retreat Amount: 1
- Weakness: Fighting
- Expansion: Genetic Apex#167
- Artist: Kagemaru Himeno
- Evolves from: Nidoran♀
- Evolves into: Nidoqueen
Used In: A Day with Family
Rewards: 14X Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)
Used In: Complete the Kanto Pokédex!
Rewards: 1X Mew
Used In: Collect cards for Nidoqueen & Nidoking Deck (Genetic Apex)
Rewards: 1X Nidoqueen & Nidoking Deck (Genetic Apex)
Used In: Register 1 cards in the card dex
Rewards: 1X Genetic Apex: Mewtwo (icon), 1X Genetic Apex: Charizard (icon), 1X Genetic Apex: Pikachu (icon)
- Bite | 30
Flavor Text
The horn on its head has atrophied. It’s thought that this happens so Nidorina’s children won’t get poked while their mother is feeding them.