Mini Set Preview - Mythical Island


A new Mini-set called Mythical Island will be released in Pokemon Pocket on December 17th! This will only have one booster pack with Mew on the cover that looks like this.


These booster packs will be called A1a and include over 80 new Pokemon cards. These new cards will include 5 new EX Pokemon, 5 new trainers, and more immersive cards. The only confirmed EX Pokemon are Mew EX, Aerodactly EX, and Pideot EX. With the set being called Mythical Island, we will also see some other mythical Pokemon, not just Mew.

While we do not have the full set confirmed at the moment here are some images of the cards that we have seen:







During the preview video, there were also a few other cards that we were able to get a glimpse of as well:









We also got a small glimpse at a new Pikachu card, but we only have half of it. However, it is pretty simple to see what the attack will be.


Pikachu 60Hp

Circuit: This attack does 10 damage for each of your Benched [L] Pokemon.

I am assuming it will only cost 1 lightning energy for this attack which is a decent upgrade for the Pikachu we have currently. Also, the art is from the Neo Genesis Pikachu which is pretty cool as well.

Along with new cards, we also are getting a new set of Solo battle decks to go against as well.


There is a lot to look forward to in the next week with the new cards coming out as well as new events and Battles to participate in. Time will tell if these cards will make a big impact on the current meta-game but I am hopeful. Marshadow particularly looks interesting as a good revenge counterplay card against Pikachu EX. Also, the abilities of Vaporeon and Aerpdactyl EX are interesting enough that I am excited to try them out next week! The addition of more abilities on different cards is a good sign for adding more complexity to the game as a whole. Also, the two new trainers we see don’t seem overpowered at the moment and might help other useful strategies emerge for some of the Pokemon that have larger retreat costs like Snorlax and Gyrados instead of just being stuck until they are knocked out.

Holiday Countdown Campaign

As well as announcing the new Mini-set Pocket also released some information regarding a new login event to help get some of those new Mythical Island cards by offering hourglasses per log-in.


Be sure to check it all out and stay tuned for our full set review when the new set releases next Tuesday!
